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Max Engine \  Can i put a 2.4 in my 89 ram 50 4wd that came with a 2.6

Can i put a 2.4 in my 89 ram 50 4wd that came with a 2.6

Max Engine Max Tech
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chills   +1y
Can i put a 2.4 in my 89 ram 50 4wd that came with a 2.6.... can this engine swap be done or can i swap both the engine and tranny up to the old transfer case??? any help would be appreciated....

i already own a might max that originally came with a 2.0 and swapped the engine and tranny from a 2.4
droppedmitsu   +1y
The trans SHOULD bolt up to the 2.4 since they are both wide blocks. You need the ecu and the engine wiring harness also.
drifting50   +1y
If you have a 2.4L and 5 speed tranny you might be able to remove the 2wd tail shaft from the tranny and put the tail shaft and 4wd transfer case on I have never seen a 2.6 L 4wd tranny I only have a 2.0L narrow block 4wd tranny it looks like it would work (change over tailshaft). I would have to believe that the 2.4l and 2.6l don't have the same bolt pattern plus one came out after the other. Which reason dictates that if they changed the engine they would also change the tranny.?
droppedmitsu   +1y
Doesnt matter if one came out later then the other they still DO both share the wideblock pattern(unlike the 2.0 which is a narrow block) so they will have the same bolt pattern, people have already done it before.
drifting50   +1y

Why did you say SHOULD in your frist quote?
Then in your second quote say they will!?
So now what your saying is for sure it will work now right?
droppedmitsu   +1y
Im not going to say 100% for sure because I have not done it myself, but I have seen a few people who have online and I have seen first hand that both blocks are wideblock and share the same pattern as I have a 2.0 narrow, 2.6 wide, and my friend has a 2.4 and its a wideblock also.
davethedude   +1y
It will bolt up. Not only will you need the ecu and wiring harness, you either need to change the gas tank to get the fuel pump set-up, or get an inline pump to boost the pressure.
chills   +1y
thanks everyone for your input... i'm going to start looking for a 2.4 and ill see if i can make it fit, i will post my results here if i get it done before the end of the summer.... extra thanks to drifting50 for your turbo threads i might have to give that a try at some point if i can find the parts....
drifting50   +1y
Thanks no problem and if you descide to turbo make sure you open up the motor and freshen it up before installing it will save you a lot of time later, if you go the turbo root. Iam going to start making the turbo manifold soon for sale so keep checking back for progress and pictures of it.
ljowen8952   +1y
just a heads can actually put a 4g63t engine in it for about the same amount of work. They come in eclipse, talons and lasers. you need a narrow block 5 spd, ecu and wires and the same style fuil pump as mentioned before. makes for a crazy fun little truck.