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Max Engine \  weird problem today

weird problem today

Max Engine Max Tech
views 1160
replies 7
following 4
payrion   +1y
ok 1991 MM with a 2.4 and auto tranny... we were driving and all of a sudden where was a squeel, then sounded like a card in a fan sound then sounded like a bolt bouncing around the engine, then i shut off right away, started it up and sounded like a bolt bouncing around the engine then no noise... ran great to my friends house.. checked out belt and visual stuff for it was dark.... on way home it sounded like a bolt bouncing at times, only for a few seconds and then didnt do it again for about 5 minutes...

OK does it in park not moving and also when moving in gear, BUT only for a few seconds and so far every 5 minutes or so, truck ran great, no overheat, no dummy lights....... I know it cant be diagnosed online but throw ideas, ill be looking tomorrow after work when light....

when it does it it reall sounds like something boucing around the motor, but it did the squeel and fan hitting a card noise at very first.
payrion   +1y
ok its light out today and just got home from work, my wife has the keys so i cant start it up but i did pop the hood and took a look around, i was really thinking about the water pump, i remember something like this happening to my monty carlo 15 years ago and that was it, well i tried to move the shaft around and i do have a slight up and down on it, im not sure if there is sopposed to be any on it at all but it is ever so slight, i was thinking maybe the prop broke and thats the bouncing around sound, the squeel was one time right when it happened and the fan with a card in it noise was only when it first happened....ummmm
ryan4dc   +1y
You could be on to something with the waterpump. Are all 4 bolts on there? Any damage to the shrowd and/or fan? Only dirrerence in park and neutral is the parking pole contacting the stop on the output shaft.
shahchau   +1y
Pull your bell housing/torque converter inspection plate and look for a loose flex plate to torque converter bolt. This vehicle is notorious for them backing out. They will occasionally catch the flex plate spinning and bounce around the bell housing making that noise. Good luck!
qballd50   +1y
Did You Figure It Out Yet?
I'm With shahchau on this One, Check your driveplate/flexplate.

On My Truck i had that happen to me and i broke 1 bolt and the other 5 were stripped, and before all of that i thought it was a rod knocking or something like that. So i rebuilt the motor and bam it still did it, so i took the motor out and then that is were i found my problem with my driveplate/flexplate!
payrion   +1y
YES that was it!!!! ok now is another question, i found a bolt in the housing.. is there a nut to go with it or does it just bolt right in? the bolt isnt broke, it looks to of backed out,it was in rough shape from bouncing around in the housing. i didnt get alot of time today to investigate. ALSO where do i find the replacement bolts, id like to replace them all. i called everywhere today and no one can even order them.
qballd50   +1y
Glad You Found Out the Problem!!!
And On Finding the bolts, You May Want to Check you Drive plate and spacers to see if they were messed up!
Mine was really bad and i found mine at, You will just have to call the ind. yards to see if they will sell them separate.
shahchau   +1y
Glad that turned out to be the problem, much cheaper than the alternatives. I searched a lot of junk yards for my bolts. almost every nissan/dodge I found was missing them. Make sure to use a good thread lock when reinstalling it seems to have worked for me.
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