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Ranger Projects \  Whos is this

Whos is this

Ranger Projects
views 1390
replies 4
following 4
ministunter   +1y
I seen this badass ranger in Minitruckin this month its Patrick reids truck is he part of RS? or does anyone have any pics or know a site where i can see more pics of his truck?
framedraggin94   +1y
what do u wanna see? i can take a few pics for ya if hell let me:) i dont think he has any pics on the net but i know theres coverage on it some where!lol its been all over for like 4 or 5 yrs! ha ha
ministunter   +1y
His truck is the first Ranger is een and it basically made me ant to do all the stuff im saing to do for mine its soo fuckin badass
rhodyranger   +1y
buy the crime pays video "no regard" it has patricks ranger along with tim's and tyler's rangers. All 3 of my favorite rangers. it's a sick video, tons of draggin and good features.
bodydropped85   +1y
i THINK i met him at gville, hes from ST texas. kool kat. he was draggin it sat nite on the strip to
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