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General Discussion \  wow, can't beleive this.

wow, can't beleive this.

General Discussion
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cruznlife1   +1y
I just found out that my very close relationship for 4 years now might be over. High school sweetheart, VERY closer, her family loves me etc. we live close, inseperable. She has ALWAYS been into the country girl type lifestyle, always out of trouble, never to drink or party. Well her best friend was also dating my best friend. They just broke up a month ago. Lately she has been experimenting with alcahol behind my back (I knew about it though, she likes it and does it whether I like it or not) and seems to be liking it alot. All she wants to do is party now, our work schedules conflict pretty bad but we've always "found time for each other" and it has NEVER been a problem. Now she's been going out drinking and partying and **** these past 2 months. (I'm working, thats why I cant go with her)

Well her and her best friend are really close, and do everything together, and hang out with the same people etc. Well her best friend just cheated on my best friend with another guy. And honestly these past few weeks for the first time in 4 years I've felt a slight distrust towards her. I feel like she's not telling me everything, and all of a sudden we need time apart. She feels like she's holding me back from exploring new things. She still wants to date me and everything, but she wants to explore without me. I dont think she's seeing anyone else, but now I dont know what to think/believe. I've never considered cheating on her, or doing anything without her.

I dont know how anyone in the world could go through this, it HURTS so bad. It hurts so bad it makes me sick. Yes I cried, call me a pussy all you want. She just wants some space and time to explore, but she still wants to talk to me, she just doesnt want to see me. I can't beleive this.

I'm ASSuming it's over, but I can't imagine it being over. Everyday for the past 4 years I've called and talked to her, gone and seen her at night sneaking around, taken her in the truck and gone off, she comes and wakes me up after a late night. The other day she came over for sex like it was just to give it to me and leave. She came, she didnt even want to fool around, we seemed like we "got it over with" and she "had to go".

My buddy is just getting over his girl, I wonder if I should just try to get over mine and move on. I can't even beleive I'm typing these words. It does feel good to get it out. Always looking for opinions.
the twanksta   +1y
Hey man that sucks buddys g/f just broke it off with him for no reason except she wasnt "feeling the love" and he feels the same way as you do. I guess girls are just unpredictable...hope things work out fo ya. Later!
daweezi   +1y
first off, your definately not a pussy for crying man. A 4 year relationship gives you the right to cry if it seems like something may be wrong. I really hope you two can resolve things man, IMO if you two have to take a break i dont see it doing any good. Right now ive been with my gf for about a year and a half, i know its not 4 years but im in love with her and i think if we ever took a break it would be near impossible to get back together. My suggestion is to try and work it out without taking a break or exploring. If she really loves you in my opinion she doesnt need to explore and neither do you. But if she truly wants to explore then i dont think you should wait around for her. Granted if she explores and finds nothing and your still there, then more power to you, but definately dont sit and wait. My best friend had been dating this girl for about 2 years...a little longer, and i know he was/still is possibly in love with her. Well they went on several breaks, and she kept saying she wanted space to explore when in actuality she had met someone else. Anyway after they broke up he asked me if he should wait for her to explore and my advice is the same i gave him, dont wait. If you honestly dont want anyone else but her, then i guess its okay to wait but do not dwell on the situation. Dwelling on any problem only intesifies it and makes it feel worse in my opinion. Ive only had one big girl problem, and that came before my current gf...but i will say from experience dwelling on a situation that you cannot change is not the thing you want to do. I hope you find something you can use in my post, sorry it was long and i dont even know if it flows very well because i was thinking while typing, but if you need any more opinions or advice ill keep up on the thread or drop me a online all the time although i should be productive. Good Luck.
cruznlife1   +1y
I've let myself go these past couple years. Guess I better shape up a little, put a good wax on the truck, and take a brigher outlook on life. never know what might come my way.

I'm gonna go take a cold shower and cry myself to sleep. I'll talk to yall later
daweezi   +1y
alright man, have a good night...hopefully youll feel better tomorrow when you wake up
the twanksta   +1y
Ya man, hope you feel better soon. Hit me up on aim if you wanna talk.
cruznlife1   +1y
against better judgement I called her.

She is insisting that it's not over, she just wants her space. She's seeing her friend just getting over her boyfriend and having all this fun with "no ties" she wants to go out without a feeling of regret. I'm like regret from what ? she just said, the fact of me just not being there.

She said we'll be back together, the problem is, I dont know if I'll take her back. I'm not about lust or anything, I'm about being comfortable with someone. I was so comfortable, and trusted her so much, and she shattered all that. I'll want her back so bad, but I dont think I'll take her. I think it's starting to set it, that I really think it's over. Makes me sick, just thinking about it.
cruznlife1   +1y
I just feel so bad. I feel completely like it's my fault. Not spending enough time with her etc. Honestly, if I get to spend a full day with her, than thats pretty damn good. usually just minutes a day if that, and a phone call or two. But I always KNOW that shes there. well I was thinking today how it would be without her, honestly, aside from havinga couple hours on saterday to myself, I can't think of how it would be different in my day to day life without her. That hurts that I'm realizing it now, a little too late. I could've put more effort into seeing her more, maybe it's just the way shes talking to me, but I feel like i've neglected her.
daweezi   +1y
in my opinion if you were only able to spend time with her on weekends due to work and other obligations, then if she really loves you the weekends should suffice. True, she may not like not seeing you the rest of the week but the fact of the matter is you might have other obligations and sometimes the weekends is all you get in a relationship. That being said its sounds as if you truly loved her man, so i dont think you neglected her, just had other things you needed to do, but like i said, give her space like she wants but dont wait around for her. You dont have to go out and date if you dont want, but just dont sit by the phone either.
bodydropped85   +1y
in my honest opinion, i think shes jealous of the freedom that her friend has and since there so close her friend is wanting her to do things w/ her but knows she still has a b4. women are evil specially in groups.tell her strait forward how u feel. dont tell her what ull do if she cheats or fools around w/ a nuther guy becuz that will make her want to do it try talking to her friend or one of there other friends and see what hte real truth is.