Hey guys. Not a stranger to the yourscene.com sites,as I am a regular (whore) on Mazdabscene.
I no longer have my beloved 86-93 B2200s, but took over ownership of my step-dad's 2002 Mazda B4000 4x4 while he went out and bought an '08 since the '02 was so good.
She's a 4.0 5spd with just about 400k KM on the clock. Been the most reliable and dependable truck. We bought it new in April 2002 and I've had it since June this year.
Haven't done much with it yet,just painted the rims,smoked the tails and corners and put in a Sony headunit. I'm looking to do a very mild 2 or 3" lift,some slightly bigger tires,brush bar,maybe a winch and intake and exhaust and some interior dress up goodies. It's mostly a work truck that hauls stuff, gets played with in the mud.
Here's a couple very recent shots of my '02
My step dad's new '08
And my beloved '89 B2200 that I sold earlier this year. I had it featured in the October 2008 issue of Minitruckin in the reader's rides section.
See you guys on the boards!