What's up bro , well about your truck and you going traditional well here it goes I did mine stock floor and let me tell you it was hella easy man I would of got it done sooner then what I got it done but I think it would be easy to go stock floor cause the main things that I did that a piece of cake just took a little while was cut the tops of the stock frame and place a new 2x3 square tubing mine was 3/16 thick leave your tranny crossmember on just sectioned both sides and plate it good the front horns just cut them and bring them down as much body drop your going and the bed floor well you got to raise it let me tell you I loved the way my truck drove lots of room in the cab I loved it but it's long gone I started a new and this one is stockfloor body drop to the pinch on some 22's and let me tell you I can't wait tell it's done it's getting there