:har: Im guessing at this point your asking yourself, THATS IT?!?
Well of course not! I saved the good ones for its own post! :dance
This is what I was working with on the trunk. Apparently the owner took some sort of "rocks in a bottle" compound by hand on a rag to try and remove some swirls, only putting some more MASSIVE swirls into the paint.
I never thought I was going to be able to correct this, and if I did I thought for sure there would be a significant amount of RIDS left over..WRONG.
The first combination I tried was M105 on a Megs Solo Yellow Wool using the instructions given to me by Kevin months ago. Just to avoid the confusion:
Even in my first pass, I removed MOST of the heavy swirling but there were some RIDS still visible.
I then decided to step it up to the Megs Solo Burgandy Wool just to see if the left over swirls were worth the chase. To my surprise, they were nearly COMPLETELY removed. After TWO passes with this combination, I got what I was looking for. PERFECTION!
These pictures were taken directly after M105/Burgandy Wool. There was no middle or finishing steps taken.
The same panel under the halogens..