
bodydroppedmazdain's 1994 Mazda B Series Truck B2300 2 view(s) today


  • 1994 Mazda B Series Truck B2300
  • Color: Yellow w/graffix
  • Mileage: 130
  • Club: Kaotic Kustoms



Was a daily driver .. but when I got it the show season around here hadn't started .. since I had it I have been redooing it so Zero for now until next season .. But not a big deal im going to spark


Stock 2.3/Getting ready to swap with a 302


Yellow with Graffix on hood and back corner of truck about 7 colors . Shaved Doors and Bed is shaved shut .What is getting done right now is taillights getting shaved and doors getting redone. new fro


All Leather interior .,New steering wheel from www.candospecialties.com I have the revenge half wrapped in black leather . The interior was all done in tweed when I first got it .. now its time to update


Fiberglass Console holding one ten inch alpine S series sub and a little mrdm500 pushing it


Airbags from slamspecialties.. And its also body dropped 3 inches. front tubs under hood plus its got tubing upper bag mounts that where done a long time ago.. the back is got a new c'notch from suicide doors..


18" inch Greed front and


Custom Pieces made across the C'notch on top and back the top piece hold my train horn from www.hornblasters.com

Future Plans

The paint scheme is getting changed to black on top and read on bottom its' going to have some dude airbrushed on the hood with a twoface and he is going to be done in smoke.. I think im going to try

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bodydroppedmazdain   +1y
Added my 1994 Mazda B Series Truck!
racer x   +1y
Nice truck.I still like the newer mazda's.Just not as much as the 2nd gens.Looks great.Really like the wheels.
cl (chris)   +1y
clean truck
insanecartoonsink   +1y
hey do you have buckets in this?
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